Following on from the government announcement yesterday regarding the easing of restrictions where by parishioners can return to mass from May 10th and 50 people are permitted to attend a wedding ceremony or a funeral, Bishop Fintan has circulated the following with regards the sacraments….
….A reminder that the guidance from the government also tells us that First Holy Communion and Confirmations are not to happen in this current phase. Please don’t set dates for the occasions until further notice. The Catechetical team in conjunction with the Pastoral Development team and some very generous and diligent retired teachers will be sending out resources and invitation to preparatory liturgies in the coming weeks to help ensure that preparation is done in advance of the Sacraments being celebrated, whenever that will be possible.
There is no guidance given regarding baptisms. In the absence of that I think it wise to let them go ahead from May 10th with just one baptism being permitted at a given time and minimal numbers attending, 10 people being a reasonable and safe number I would propose. With this in mind we are happy to inform all new parents that have been so patiently awaiting to baptise children for the last year you can book a baptism after May 10th with a maximum of 10 people attending. Health guidelines to be observed at all times.