
St Blaise

Blessing of Throats will take place at Masses this weekend.

Let us pray that St. Blaise will protect all in our parish from “aliments of the throat and from every other evil.”


Prayer to St. Brigid.

You were a woman of peace.
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light to the darkness.
You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace
cover those who…

Celebrating a Marriage Anniversary in February?

Marriage Celebration 2024

Click on the link above to read more

A Note from Bishop Fintan

The annual clergy retreat for the diocese will be in Knock from Sunday January 14th until Thursday January 18th.  The clergy retreat is an important time for priests of the diocese to gather, pray together and deepen their relationship with the Lord.  I appreciate the sacrifices parishes will have to make for the few days they will be…

Reflection on the Feast of the Epiphany

‘What made these men of the East set out on their journey? Let us look to ourselves and ask: How is the journey of my faith going? This is a question that each one of us can ask ourselves today. Faith, if it is to grow, has to begin ever anew. It needs to be…

Prayers for Priests Prayer Group

This month our prayer group will meet on Monday 8th January @ 7.30pm in Our Lady of the Wells Church.

Meetings are the second Monday of every month. For further information contact Mary by text only please on  087 3143289.


Christmas Greeting

This has been a year when many of the catch phrases of the Christmas Story have rang true in daily life. We have seen people like the Holy Family having to engage the reality of “no room at the inn”. Others like Mary who got news that upset and frightened them being told “do not…

Tradaree Cluster Christmas Mass Times

The following link will bring you to the mass times for our cluster. Newmarket on Fergus, Shannon & Sixmilebridge

Christmas Mass Times

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mercy on the Mall Friday the 15th of December from 13.00-16.00.

There will be a number of priests available throughout the Shannon Town Centre for anybody who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Pastoral Area Reconciliation Service

This will take place on Wednesday the 20th of December 19.30 in Mary Immaculate Church. Priest from…

Prayers for Priests Prayer Group

There will be a meeting on Monday 11th December in Our Lady of the Wells Church, Clonmoney at 19.30

Meetings are the second Monday of every month. Contact Mary by text only please on  087 3143289