
Synodal Pathway

 The diocese of Killaloe has submitted it submission to the latest’s phase of the Synodal Pathway initiated by Pope Francis. Following 15 meetings across the diocese the Synodal Committee for the Diocese has compiled a response to the questions posed in preparation of the Synodal Gathering later this year in Rome. In this round of…

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

In his letter for World Day of Prayer for Vocations Pope Francis said: Each year, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations invites us to reflect on the precious gift of the Lord’s call to each of us, as members of his faithful pilgrim people, to participate in his loving plan and to embody the…


First Holy Communion
Saturday 20th April 11.00: Scoil na Maighdine Mhuire in Our Lady of the Rosary
Saturday 27th April 11.00 : Clonmoney School in Our Lady of the Wells
Saturday 11th May 11.00 : Stonehall School in St Conaire’s, Carrigerry

Easter Reflection

There is no doubting that the Easter message is one of new beginnings. The trappings, of hurt and betrayal are all let go of. Maybe more to the point they are transformed by absolute love. In return for hate and hurt all Jesus breaths is peace and love.

Author Richard Rohr, in Hope Against Darkness, writes: “The…

Holy Week

Holy Week Schedule 2024

Monday – Wednesday March 25th—27th : Daily Masses will be celebrated at 10.00.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: The Pastoral Area will be hosting it’s Sacrament of Reconciliation  liturgy in St. Finnachta’s Church, Sixmilebridge on Monday 25th at 19.30. You are most welcome to come along to this celebration of God’s infinite love for us…

A Prayer in Gratitude for our Mothers

Good and Gentle God,

we pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the women

who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life.

You who became human through a woman,

grant to all mothers the courage they need to

face the uncertain future that life with children always brings.

Annual Matt Talbot Novena

The Annual Matt Talbot Novena will continue on Wednesday, 13th March at 7:00PM in Tulla Church with Mass and Benediction. Fr Tom Ryan from Ennis Cathedral will lead us in prayer and reflection for the gifts of reconciliation. Priests will be available for the celebration of the sacrament of Confession for Easter.



Continuing with Pope Francis and his Lenten Message.

In this section of his Lenten Letter Pope Francis highlights our attraction to power which hold the potential to create conflict when we as the People of God are called to encounter. He encourages us to pause with God and our neighbour this Lent to see how our almsgiving, prayer and fasting can bring us…

Prayers for Priests Prayer Group

Meetings are the second Monday of every month in Our Lady of the Wells Church at 7.30pm. This month it will be held on Monday 11th March. Contact Mary, by text only, please on  087 3143289


Message for Lent – Pope Francis

Pope Francis continues his Lenten Reflection using the Exodus Story from the Old Testament as an example of a God who gifts us freedom in the face of leaders and institutions who wish to take from our freedom. As in the Exodus story we too find it difficult to leave the certainty of something that…