

Fr Kieran O’Mahony OSA will be the principal speaker at a Webinar hosted by the Diocese of Killaloe on the Scriptural background of Holy Week and Easter which we are about to celebrate. The webinar will be of interest to anybody involved in parish or pastoral life in parish or diocese. It will commence at…

Bishop Fintan Monahan expresses concern over cemetery and funeral gatherings.

In conversations with priests and people around the Diocese of Killaloe in recent weeks many have expressed their serious health and safety concerns to me regarding the number of people gathering after funeral ceremonies in church and also at burials in cemeteries. Whilst it is such a positive and deeply ingrained aspect of our culture…

Prayers for Mothers

Loving God,

we thank you for the love of the mothers you have given us,
whose love is so precious that it can never be measured,
whose patience seems to have no end.
May we see your loving hand behind them and guiding them.
We pray for those mothers,
who fear they will run out…

St. Patrick’s Day Mass

As restrictions remain at the current level masses will continue to be streamed live from Our Lady of the Rosary Church. On St Patrick’s Day which falls on this coming Wednesday mass will be at 11am and not at the usual weekday time of 10am.


It is not permitted until further notice that any baptisms would be celebrated under the current level of restrictions, except in an absolute emergency.

St. Patrick’s Day with a difference! “Connecting Clare”

Clare County Council is inviting Clare people at home and abroad to come together virtually to celebrate St Patrick’s Day 2021 online

This year, Clare County Council is organising and presenting an online St Patrick’s Day event with the theme of ‘Connecting Clare’, and everyone can get involved. The Council is inviting Clare people at…

Caoimhe de Barra, CEO Trocaire

Scroll down the following link to “Lent Trócaire Parish Presentation from our CEO”, Caoimhe de Barra

A brief video from Trocaire that captures so well the reality facing so many people in South Sudan, Somalia and beyond.

The imagery and music is fantastic. The lent story of…