
Diocese of Killaloe Pathways into the Ministry of Pastoral Care and the Ministry of Catechist

Message from Bishop Fintan

I am delighted to be launching our second phase of Lay Ministry training in the Diocese of Killaloe. This is a significant moment as we aspire to equip the Diocese of Killaloe to answer the call of Pope Francis for a Synodal Church in which co-responsibility will be a key…

New Mass Timetable for the Tradaree Pastoral Area

We have held out from implementing any changes to the Mass schedule for as long as we could but the recent diocesan changes coupled with the diocesan policy whereby a priest would normally say no more than three Masses of a given weekend has left us with no choice but to make the following changes.…

Fr. Michael’s final weekend with us will be the 27th/28th July. All in our community are disappointed to lose Fr. Michael and we wish him well in his new appointment. As his stay with us comes to an end we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to him for the tremendous energy and initiative he…

2024 Killaloe Diocesan Appointments

Killaloe Diocesan Appointments 2024

Diocesan Changes

Bishop Fintan has just published the diocesan changes for 2024. The announcement that has most import on Newmarket on Fergus Parish and on the Tradaree Pastoral Area is that at the end of July Fr. Michael is being moved from Newmarket on Fergus and Tradaree and to be…

Parish Pastoral & Finance Meetings

Parish Finance Council Meeting : There will be a meeting of the Parish Finance Council on Monday the 9th of June at 18.00 in the upstairs meeting room in Our Lady of the Rosary Church.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting : There will be a meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council on Monday the 9th of June…

Thank You to all involved in the Graveyard Masses.

A word of thanks to all who enabled the successful celebration of our annual Graveyard Masses. Thanks to all who came and joined us in prayer, to those who prepared altars and to those who read and distributed communion. A word of thanks to the different land owners who facilitated us at this busy time…

Tradaree Pastoral Area Council

The Pastoral Area Council is to meet on Wednesday 29th of May at 19.30 in Sixmilebridge Parish Hall. Bishop Fintan has asked that each Pastoral Area establish a Pastoral Area Council. Its role is to reflect on matters of mutual interest to all the parishes in the Pastoral Area. It is hoped that this group…

The Parish of Newmarket on Fergus extends a heartfelt congratulations to all who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last weekend. We pray that the fruits of the Holy Spirit will find expression in their lives and that they may grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. We give thanks to all who made this day possible ;…

Graveyard Masses

Weather permitting the annual Graveyard Masses will take place at 19.00 on the following dates.

Monday                  27th May                      Drumline

Tuesday                  28th May                      Lemenagh

Wednesday            29th May                      Fenloe

Thursday                30th May                 …

Safeguarding Awareness Month.

May is Safeguarding awareness month in the Diocese of Killaloe.  Safeguarding seeks to be proactive, ensuring safe environments for all our ministries and covers both children and vulnerable adults. Education and training are key in keeping the safeguarding message current and not allowing complacency.  We hold regular training and information sessions for all parish volunteers…