
New Ministries

Blessing of Graves

Sunday 14th

13.30 Bunratty
14.00 Drumline
14.30 Fenloe 
15.00 Ballycar…

World Mission Sunday

Next weekend we will celebrate World Mission Sunday, the Holy Father’s annual appeal to support overseas mission and missionaries. Our contribution, no matter how big or how small, can make an immense difference to those working on the Missions.  You can continue to support the World Missions by donating in conjunction with the Parish Collection at…

Prisons Week

Lord, you offer freedom to all people.
We pray for those in prison.
Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist.
Support with your love prisoners and their
families and friends, prison staff and all who care.
Heal those who have been wounded by the
Activities of others,

Synodal Process

In these days, the Catholic Church throughout the world and in Ireland is beginning a series of conversations about what God wants of his people at this time.  These conversations are often referred to as a Synodal Process. “Synodal” comes from a Greek word which means “walking together”.

This Sunday, 17th October we mark the…

Welcome Fr Michael

Fr Michael was ordained on the 4th of June 2000. Following his ordination he completed his STL studies in the Pontifical University at Maynooth.

His first pastoral appointment was as Chaplain in Tulla Secondary School and Scariff Community College. During this time he also administered the Parish of Killanena. In 2005 he was appointed Curate…

Fr Tom

We wish Fr. Tom every blessing in his new parish of Doora/Barefield. Fr Tom has made the parish of Newmarket, Wells and Carrigerry his home and family since 2006. The parishioners and his pastoral work in the parish always came first and he was a great leader in our community. His door was always open.…

Mass Schedule for the Winter

We will revert to three weekend masses from the 1st weekend in November. The mass times will be as follows —

Our Lady of the Rosary, Newmarket will be on Saturdays at 6pm

Our Lady of the Wells, Clonmoney will be on Sundays at 11am

St. Conaire’s, Carrigerry remains at 9am


Great anticipation of the Synod, Communion, Participation, Mission

Statement of Bishop Fintan Monahan welcoming the beginning of the Process in Preparation for the upcoming Synod

Great anticipation of the Synod, Communion, Participation, Mission