
Christmas Greetings

Christmas Greeting

Less than three months ago, a bit like Mary and Joseph I wandered into a small village, not in the hill country of Juda but in the county of Clare. While given a similar mission of helping to make Jesus present in this faith community, I can thankfully say that my experience…

Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Eve: 24th December

3.00pm – Carrigerry

5.00pm – Newmarket

7.00pm – The Wells

9.00pm – Newmarket


Christmas Day : 25th December

9.00am – Carrigerry

10.00am – The Wells

11.00am – Newmarket


Sunday 26th December                                 

9.00am – Carrigerry

10.00am – The Wells

11.00am – Newmarket


Christmas Octave: From…

Advent Prayer

Lord Jesus,
Master of both the light and the darkness,
send your Holy Spirit upon our preparation for Christmas.

We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day.

We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.

We who are blessed…

Advent Reflection

Advent Reflection – Gaudete (Rejoicing) Sunday

Christian joy does not mean living from laugh to laugh. No, it’s not that. Christian joy is not entertainment. No, it’s not that. It is something else. Christian joy is peace, a peace that is deeply rooted. Joy rooted in a heartfelt peace, the peace that only God can…

Advent Reflection

Why did John the Baptist flee to the desert? Because the barren nature of the desert strips everything back to the point where we are lay bare and our true motivations are revealed. Desert moments in our own lives cause us to ask; what is it all about? John the Baptist seems to tell us…

Mass times for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Wednesday 8th December:

9.00     –   Carrigerry

10.00   –   The Wells

11.00   –   Newmarket

18.00   –   Newmarket


Synodal Pathway Plan – Killaloe Diocese


Advent Reflection

If you want God, and long for union with him, yet sometimes wonder what that means or whether it can mean anything at all, you are already walking with the God who comes. If you are at times so weary and involved with the struggle of living that you have no strength even to want him,…

Mass of Remembrance

Annual Mass of Remembrance
A mass to remember all who have died this past year will be held on this
Wednesday 24th November at 7.30pm in Newmarket Church. We invite
those who have lost a loved one this year to come along to pray together for
their Eternal Happiness and also…