
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Monday 15th August

Mass times are as follows:

09.00 St. Conaire’s, Carrigerry

10.00 Our Lady of the Rosary, Newmarket

19.00 Our Lady of the Wells, Clonmoney

Killaloe Pilgrimage to St Patrick’s Purgatory, Lough Derg

You may have heard the phrase ‘they had their purgatory done on this Earth’! On the Holy Island, the Donegal Lough Derg people are proactively immersed into a bit of purgatory on earth. This is done through prayer, fasting, sleep deprivation and penance. Madness, you might say…

Killaloe Diocesan Appointments

Fr Michael is appointed Vicar Forane (VF) for the Tradaree Pastoral Area and will offer Catechetical assistance to complement the work of Fr. Harry Bohan in Sixmilebridge Parish.  We wish him every blessing in his new role.

We also extend best wishes to Fr. Francis Xavier Kochuveettil, CC, Tradaree Pastoral Area,  to be Co-PP, Ollatrim Pastoral…

Fr. Michael on Annual Leave

Fr.  Michael will be on annual leave until Friday the 29th of July. The Priests from Shannon Parish will be taking care of essential services such as Masses,

Baptisms and Funerals. In the case of an emergency they can be contacted at the following numbers.

Fr. Arnold Rosney 087 8598710

Fr. Francis Xavier 089 4494090

Prayer for Students sitting the Junior and  Leaving Cert Exam.

Dear Lord, we pray for all the students of our Parish who will be sitting State Examinations at this time.

Help them to see that their value as a person is not based on their performance, but on your great love for them. Come into their heart so that they may know that they…

Graveyard Masses
As the Covid-19 restrictions prevented the celebration of Graveyard Masses for the last number of years it is hoped to recommence this traditions this summer. We are giving advanced notice so that you can notify family and friends to join us in praying for our departed loved ones. All Masses will take…


During the month of May the Diocese of Killaloe highlights the important topic of Safeguarding. As we move out from the worst of the pandemic, children’s and youth ministry in parishes across the Diocese are slowly returning. We want to actively encourage children’s safe involvement in the Church. To ensure this, we as a Diocese have…

Lemenagh Cemetery Mass

Lemenagh Cemetery Mass will take place on Wednesday the 25th of May at 19.00. This is jointly organised by the Parish of Newmarket on Fergus and the Parish of Shannon.

Dates for the other graveyard masses will be published in the coming weeks.


Sacraments of Confirmation and 1st Eucharist

Last Saturday the 7th of May was a day of great joy and promise for our Parish. At 11.00 in The Wells Church, the boys and girls of Clonmoney National School received their First Holy Communion. At 15.00 the Sixth Class students of Scoil na Maighdine Mhuire received the Sacrament of Confirmation in Our Lady…

The Chrism Mass, Ennis Cathedral

The Chrism Mass

Here is a link to the Ministry Reflection delivered by Fr. Michael Collins