
Rosary for the Month of October

Please feel free to join us for the Rosary each day for the month of October. We gather at the Statue in Glencragga at 1pm & Avondale Grotto at 2pm.


Week of Prayer for Prisoners

We pray for all in our parish who are in prison, we pray for their families and for the victims of their crime. Lord, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends,…

1st Holy Communion and Confirmation.

A big thank you to all the parents/guardians who came to the two information nights for children receiving the sacraments this year. In the coming week parents/guardians of children in 2nd and 6th Class will receive a

registration form for the sacraments. We ask that you return it to the Parish Office or to the…

A word of thanks and appreciation to our Local Tidy Towns Group

It is hard not to notice the great work that the Newmarket on Fergus Tidy Towns Group have been doing throughout the village of Newmarket on Fergus. This week they shared their expertise, talent and effort in the grounds of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Newmarket on Fergus. The planters at our entrance…

Information Nights for Parents of 1st Holy Communion & Confirmation children

Information Night for Parents of 1st Holy Communion Children : A brief meeting will be held for Parents of Children hoping to receive the Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion this year. It will take place in: Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Tuesday 4th of October at 19.00

Information Night for Parents of Confirmation Children : A…

Praying and supporting the Missions

In the Month of October as a church we pray and support the Missions. In his World Mission message for 2022 Pope Francis highlights the personal call of each of us to be witnesses to Christ.  “You shall be my witnesses“, the Holy Father recalls the bond between every missionary and Christ himself, “the first…

Supporting Ukrainian Refugees living in our Community

Fáilte Isteach is a group of volunteers offering English language support to refugees from the Ukraine living in our communities who don’t speak English. It has been running in Shannon for some time and now with the arrival of Ukrainian refugees to Bunratty and Newmarket they are…

Sacraments 2023 Dates

The following link show the dates for Confirmation, First Penance and First Holy Communion 2023.

Sacrament Dates 2023

Day of Prayer for Ukraine – 14th Sept

The Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe has proposed a day of prayer to be held across Europe on Wednesday 14th September, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, for Ukraine. Prayer for Ukraine (composed by Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski)

Beginning of a New School Year.

Our thoughts and prayers are very much with our teachers and all the boys and girls from our parish who commenced their new school year this week. We pray that it will be a year filled with blessings for their families, themselves, their teachers and their schools. The beginning of a new school year also…