
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary—8th of December

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on December 8. Many people believe that the feast celebrates Jesus’ conception, but in fact it celebrates Mary’s Immaculate Conception; the fact that Mary was, from the very first moment of her existence (her conception), without sin, and chosen to be the…

Praying with the Gospel for Advent

On the Monday Evenings of Advent from 19.00-20.00 in the Day Chapel in Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Newmarket on Fergus. Fr. Michael will be hosting an “Introduction to Praying with Scriptures”. Each week we will be praying with the Gospel for the next Sunday, using a model of Lectio Divina based around three movements.…

Word of thanks to the Parish Bereavement Group

A special word of thanks to our Parish Bereavement Group for the beautiful Mass of Remembrance they organised on Wednesday Evening. Maura and her team of willing volunteers did so much to make this a most reflective and healing experience. It was a privileged moment when we as a parish gathered to remember all who died in…

Fatima Hour of Prayer

Here in the Parish of Newmarket on Fergus we are blessed to have a number of prayer groups who meet regularly to pray for the parish and our parishioners. On Saturday the 3rd of December from 14.00-15.00 there will be an hour of pray to Our Lady of Fatima in the Day Chapel of Our…

St Vincent de Paul

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Assistance 2022 : We know that  Christmas can be a difficult time particularly in the current pandemic so with the assistance of the Redemptorists in Limerick we plan to  provide Christmas Hampers again this year. If you wish to apply for a hamper please contact the Holy Rosary Conference Phone…

Annual Blessing of the Graves of the Parish

Please join us for the blessing of the Parish Graveyards on Sunday the 6th and Sunday 13th of November

Sunday 6th of November: 1.00pm: Kilnasoolagh. 1.30pm: Kilmaleery. 2.00pm: Lemenagh.   2.30pm: Clonloghan. 3.00pm: Kilconry.

Sunday 13 of November 1.30pm: Bunratty. 2.00pm: Drumline. 2.30pm: Fenloe.     3.00pm: Ballycar Killeen.


Annual Killaloe Diocesan In-Service

A note from the Bishop

The Priests of the diocese will be on annual diocesan in-service in Loughrea from Sunday evening November 6th to Wednesday lunch time November 9th. This is a very important time for priests to be together and engage in on-going personal and skill development. It is hoped that all priests in…

November and remembering the Holy Souls.

November is a time for remembering and praying for our loved ones who have gone before us and whose loss we feel. It is a time when we are particularly conscious of those in our parishes who are grieving and all those families who have lost loved ones in the past year. Here in Newmarket…

Mission Sunday

“I invite you to pray the rosary, and to carry it in your hands or in your pockets. The recitation of the rosary is the most beautiful prayer we can offer to the Virgin Mary; it is a contemplation on the stages of the life of Jesus the Saviour with his Mother Mary and is…