
Feast of St Blaise : Feb 3rd

Blessing of Throats

As Fr. Michael will be away for the Feast of St. Blaise on Friday, he will bless throats after Mass on Thursday Morning. Let us pray that St. Blaise will protect all in our parish from “aliments of the throat and from every other evil.”




Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

On the 2nd of February each year we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This is another ‘epiphany’ celebration as Simeon reveals Jesus as the Messiah. In this moment he recognised Jesus as the “light of the world”. Traditionally we bless candles on this day. If you wish to have candles blessed…

Feast of St. Brigid

The 1st of February marks the Feast of St. Bridget, secondary patron of Ireland. May she continue to protect and bless our country with peace.

Prayer to St. Saint Brigid

You were a woman of peace.
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light to the darkness.
You brought hope…

Apostolic Work Mini Display Day

The Apostolic Work Committee  are happy to report that a Mini-Display will take place on March 05, 2023, from 2pm—4pm in the small hall in the Community Centre. Some Sacred Vessels are available.  If you wish to donate one please contact Brigid Coughlan, Mary Enright or Molly O’Donnell.  A Raffle will also take place.


Main Church Webcam

We are currently experiencing difficulties with the webcam in our Lady of the Rosary Church. A technician hopes to have it back on line as soon as possible. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. The webcam in the Day Chapel is operating and on line.

Bereaved by Suicide.

Clare Suicide Bereavement Support volunteers are available to help you.  Support and help is only a phone call away. You could phone us at one of our numbers given below and we will take it from there. We promise complete confidentiality. 086 0565373.    087 3698315.


The Feast of the Epiphany Mass Times.

Friday 6th January

09.00  St Conaire’s.  Carrigerry

10.00   Our Lady of the Rosary, Newmarket

19.00  Our Lady of the Wells


Prayer for a New Year

Dear God,
On this day I ask You to grant this request,
May I know who I am and what I am,
Every moment of every day.
May I be a catalyst for light and love,
And bring inspiration to those whose eyes I meet.
May I have the…

As a Parish we have Much to Give Thanks for this Christmas.

As a Parish we have had a great Christmas. While we had a lot of liturgies, it is to the credit of all involved that we managed to have Choirs, Soloists, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers and people to manage the reintroduction of our Offertory Collection at each Mass. Our Churches were decorated so beautifully, with our…

Christmas Message from Fr Michael

One of the major themes of the Christmas Story is that of there being no room at the Inn. We see Mary, Joseph and their newly born child beginning family life, homeless. Later in the Christmas story we see them as exiles and refugees heading for safety of Egypt. Eventually they return to Nazareth to begin…