Diocese of Killaloe Pathways into the Ministry of Pastoral Care and the Ministry of Catechist

Published on August 13, 2024

Message from Bishop Fintan

I am delighted to be launching our second phase of Lay Ministry training in the Diocese of Killaloe. This is a significant moment as we aspire to equip the Diocese of Killaloe to answer the call of Pope Francis for a Synodal Church in which co-responsibility will be a key hallmark. By empowering Ministers of Pastoral Care and Catechist we hope to enable and empower people across the diocese in expressing a vibrant and dynamic faith life.

Ministry of Pastoral Care
The diocese is promoting this ministry in an effort to address the very real pastoral needs in our parishes and pastoral areas. Ministers of Pastoral Care journey with the sick and bereaved, they stand with the marginalised, they are a listening ear at the heart of our communities and they animate various prayer ministries. Ministers of Pastoral Care are also mandated to invite others to join with them in this ministry of care and service.

Ministry of Catechist
As a diocese we have a real need for Catechists. This is a ministry of educating young people and adults in the faith. The Catechist helps to prepare candidates and their families for the sacraments of baptism, eucharist and confirmation. They also play a role in animating the Synodal process in our diocese. Catechists gift people with an understanding of their faith so as to enable them into a deeper relationship with God which they in turn are called to share with others.
What might ministry look like?

These are volunteer roles so how your ministry unfolds will be negotiated around your gifts and your availability at any given time. The opportunities are varied; from visiting the sick and the bereaved to sacramental preparation; from faith formation to prison ministry. From administrative roles to youth ministry and so much more.
How will I know which ministry I am called to?
For now all that is asked of you is that you are open to exploring where God may be calling you. Trust that in the course of your studies and pastoral placements it will become clear as to what ministry you feel called to exercise as you help in answering the pastoral and catechetical needs of the Diocese of Killaloe.
Will I be working alone?
You will be joining an already established group of lay ministers and priests who collaborate in a variety of ministerial projects. The Diocese of Killaloe holds collaborative ministry as a key value in its vision for ministry. If you decide to progress and engage in this ministry training programme you will be joining a team lay and ordained ministers who feel called to serve the People of God.

What is involved in the training?
Period of Discernment : This is a gifted time when you will be enabled to discern and explore where God may be calling you to share your gifts and talents. Through prayer, inputs, and guided reflection you and the diocese will explore if this is the right time for you to engage in ministry. You will also explore what ministry you might engage as you help answer the pastoral and catechetical needs of the diocese. The hope is for you to discover a ministry that will be life-giving for yourself and for the people of the pastoral area you feel called to serve in.
Academic programme : The academic programme sits as one of many elements to this ministry training programme. It is hoped that the academic component will help inform your faith and by extension shape how you express that faith in Christian action and Christian leadership within your pastoral area or parish. This is a two year programme. Modules will be run over 8 weekends (Friday Evenings and Saturdays) from Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, at locations in the diocese and online.
Pastoral Placement : Depending on what pathway you chose, you will engage in relevant pastoral placements to help broaden and deepen your pastoral experience. This may be a ministry you are already involved in or it may be an area of ministry that you would like to explore by sharing your gift and talents.
Diocesan Wraparound : As a diocese we are very conscious that while people may have a desire to engage in ministry training they can feel daunted by the prospect. With this in mind we have put in place a number of supportive structures including mentorship; Theological Reflection; regular meeting points where people can share their experience and offer mutual support. Another key component to this aspect of the programme is your pastoral placements which help give a variety of experiences in various pastoral settings.
What is my next step?
Speak with one of the Ministers of the Tradaree Pastoral Care or a Catechist. Tom O’Dea – Cathechist, AnneMarie Sheedy – Pastoral Care, Margaret McInerney – Pastoral Care. Their experience will be invaluable in helping you in your decision. Speak with the VF or one of the Co-PPs in your Pastoral Area. They will be able to accompany and support you in your discernment. Attend one of our information night
• Kilrush, Community Centre: Wednesday, 11th September, at 19.30.
• Ennis, Pastoral Centre: Thursday 12th September, at 19.30.
• Nenagh, Pastoral Centre, Monday 16th September at 19.30.
Visit the Diocesan Webpage where there is more information to help inform and guide your decision. Fill out an Application Form. For now see this as just an expression of your desire to explore this opportunity a little further.
