Ash Wednesday – 2nd of March

Published on February 25, 2022

Ashes will be distributed at the 10.00 Mass on Ash Wednesday morning. For those of you who wish to receive the Ashes later in the day, envelopes containing the blessed ashes will be available in Our Lady of the Rosary Church throughout the day. Please feel free to drop in and collect an envelope of ashes for those in your household. Each envelope will have the words to be said while making the sign of the Cross on the foreheads of those who wish to receive the ashes. May God bless us all on our Lenten Journey.

Prayer as we begin or Lenten Journey

Loving Jesus,
as I place on my forehead the sign of your saving cross You say to me, repent and believe in the Gospel. Walking into Lent my heart is set on you.
May my fasting fill me with hunger for you,
may my prayer draw me deeper into your presence, may my acts of charity bring your love
to my home and community.
Lord of life,
grant that by turning back to you in these 40 days
I will re-awaken the joy of my Easter faith;
for you raise me up from fear and despair
and call me to hope and trust in God who is with me always. With you, I will rise again. Amen.