The tribute paid by the Parish Walk group to Fr Michael Collins on an island in the Fergus estuary, Inishmacnaghtan, bore relevance to his next assignment to Kildysert parish. In the eighteenth century when most travel was by water, Fr Mac Mahon of Clenagh Castle living in the castle served that parish and Kilmaleery now in the parish of Newmarket on Fergus parish. To mark his departure in Inishmacnaghtan an island on the Fergus estuary Fr Collins in a departing act of generosity made biblical references to water from Genesis and localised its significance with folklore narratives of Sts Senan and Conaire. An expression of how lonely we are after our priest who was all things to all people was expressed in a gift of a millennium candle and a card signed by thirty or so people present. Local man and bagpiper Dessie O’Halloran enhanced the occasion by leading the procession from the car park near the island.