Pope Francis opens the Synod

Published on October 6, 2023

This week Pope Francis opened the Synod where he invited the faithful to walk with the Holy Spirit, “in trust and with joy”. Pope Francis reminded us that “we do not need purely natural vision, made up of human strategies, political calculations, or ideological battles.” Instead, he said, “We are here to walk together with the gaze of Jesus, who blesses the Father and welcomes those who are weary and oppressed.” Pope Francis reminded us that “The Holy Spirit often shatters our expectations to create something new that surpasses our predictions and negativity”. He went onto  say ….”Let us open ourselves to Him, the protagonist, the Holy Spirit. And let us walk with Him, in trust and with joy.” Let us keep Pope Francis and all those involved in the Synod in our prayers. This is a very special moment in the life of the Church as we attempt to reconnect to the spirit of the Second Vatican Council and more importantly the guidance of the Holy Spirit as to where and how God wants His Church to be.